Monday, July 16, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom Cookies

I am a huge fan of Wes Anderson's movies. My top 3 are: The Royal Tenenbaums, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and The Darjeeling Limited. So when his latest movie, Moonrise Kingdom, came to a local theater, we raced to purchase tickets for it. Good thing, because the movie sold out for the entire weekend.

One characteristic of W.A. movies is the two-dimensional feel of his shots. You could freeze frame at just about any place in the movie, and the resulting image would look like a scenic landscape or a perfectly composed still life. As I watched the movie, I kept visualizing how different key props would look on a sugar cookie (what's wrong with me anyway?)

photo: courtesy of Moonrise Kingdom Trailer

If you haven't seen the movie, I'll explain the cookies: The main character is Sam, who is a member of the Khaki Scouts of North America, tribe 55. He wears a coon skin cap throughout most of the movie. He falls in love and runs away with Suzy.  At a key moment of the film, she defends herself with a pair of red left-handed scissors.  They camp out for a night on the beach in a yellow tent. 

If I were more savvy with royal icing, I would've made a cookies with Suzy's memorable pink dress, the portable record player, and a pair of binoculars on them.  Alas, my decorating skills only go so far.   I highly recommend this movie.  If you are a Wes Anderson fan, you will especially love it.


  1. What wonderful cookies! Rushmore is my fav Wes Anderson movie, especially since it was filmed here in Houston and I recognize every scene.

  2. this was the best movie i've seen all year & your cookies made my heart smile!!


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