Friday, March 16, 2012

Shamrock Ice Cream

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I should have posted this recipe sooner. Ah well, life keeps getting in the way of blogging. I'm spending the weekend at Disney, attending the Food Blog Forum. I'm so looking forward to meeting tons of fellow bloggers, exploring the Polynesian resort, and playing in the parks! I'll be sure to report back later...

Shamrock shakes are enormously popular at this time of year, so why not make some shamrock ice cream? Since I also love hunks of chocolate in my ice cream, I decided to add the truffle bits. The bits of green cake remind me of a patch of clovers. Hope you all celebrate the holiday (as always) with some tasty food and drink!

Shamrock Ice Cream
original recipe

2 ½ c heavy cream
½ c whole milk
1 c sugar
½ tsp peppermint extract
1 c green cake pieces
1 c chocolate chunks (I used chopped truffles)

Combine heavy cream, milk, sugar, and extract in a bowl. Pour into the base of an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s directions. At the very end of churning, add the cake pieces and chocolate chunks, and churn to combine. Place ice cream in a freezer safe container and freeze until set.


  1. This looks and sounds awesome. I always forget that I can incorporate cake into ice cream!

  2. This *does* look good! FBF was awesome, wasn't it?!


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