Saturday, July 3, 2010

Independence Day Cookies

Tomorrow is July 4th! Normally we hang out at a friend's house, eating lots of food and watching fireworks. Sadly, our friend will not be in town this weekend. Hubs has a gig over on the east coast of the state, so the squirt and I will probably go hang with him for part of the day.

I usually make sugar cookies only in December. I'm not the kind of person who busts out the cookie cutters for every celebration, although I really wish I were. When faced with a large batch of cookies to decorate, I sometimes feel a little daunted. However, this occasion I had a patriotic design in mind, so I didn't mind the detailed work.

From my meager sugar cookie experiences, I have learned a few things. Here are my tips for the cookie decorator:

-Plan ahead for what colors you will need, and in which order you need to use them.

-Use a very small amount of water at a time to thin the icing, and mix well before adding more. To outline the edges, you want a consistency that flows easily, but still holds its shape. To flood with color, you want a thinner consistency so the icing spreads out after piping.

-Cover the mixing bowl of icing with a damp cloth while you work.

-Keep piping bags upright when not in use. Dampen a paper towel and place at the bottom of a glass. Set the bag in the glass.

-Wear gloves when adding coloring.

Hope these tips help. Happy Independence Day!

Sugar Cookies
Adapted from a Martha Stewart recipe

2 c sifted all-purpose flour
¼ tsp table salt
½ tsp baking powder
1 stick unsalted butter, room temperature
1 c sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract.

In a medium bowl, sift flour, salt and baking powder. In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugar together with a hand mixer until fluffy. Beat in the egg and vanilla. Add the flour mixture, and mix until thoroughly combined. Shape dough into a flat disk, wrap with plastic wrap, and let chill for at least 1 hour.

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Dust a large surface with flour. Unwrap the dough, and roll out to ¼ inch thickness, dusting generously with flour. Cut into shapes using a cookie cutter and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Re-roll out the scraps to cut more shapes.

Bake for about 15 minutes, until cookies are golden. Cool cookies on a wire rack and decorate.

Royal Icing

1 lb powdered sugar
5 Tbs meringue powder
½ c water (slightly less if you live in a humid climate like I do)
Small splash of almond extract (or whatever flavoring you like)

Place ingredients in a stand mixer with a whisk attachment. Beat on medium until fluffy but still dense, about 7-8 minutes. Thin with water as needed.


  1. Great job on the fireworks!

  2. Really cute design on your cookies!& great tips! You got a great blog(:

  3. Such great tips!! You're cookies look great!! I'm in awe of them. I've never made decorated sugar cookies so the tips are def. useful!
    Would you mind checking out my blog? :D

  4. I love decorated cookies and these are adorable!!

  5. they look great! I wish somebody would have brought those to our bbq this year! YUM!


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